Herr’s Landscape Drainage Solutions
Catch Basins are the perfect solution for areas that are inundated with run-off after heavy storms. We use solid 4 inch PVC to make sure your drainage lasts for years to come!
Do you have an area that seems to be wet year-round? French Drains are the answer! We use perforated 4 inch PVC wrapped in woven fiberglass fabric, then back-fill the trench with 3/4 inch gravel.
Are you looking for something unique and useful? We can turn that rainwater and low area into a GORGEOUS Dry Stream Bed - no two are alike!
An irrigation system is a sprinkler system for your home that is underground. It gives you, as a homeowner, much more control over when your lawn is watered and how much.
We put our clients first. When you’re not happy, the job’s not done. Every individual of our highly skilled team truly cares about each property they set foot on.
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